August 16th, 2008 Astrid, Rene and Isaiah volunteered to help weed and restore the bay at San Frascisquito Creek. They learned that by removing non-native plants, native plants could grow and other native plants can be planted. Three main reasons why weeding and restoring the bay is important are to prevent flooding, help restore wildlife habitat and help filter the water before it reaches the bay. The cleaning of non-native plants also creates a better habitat for endangered species in the marsh, like the salt marsh mouse. First, they went to a nursery and planted some native plants and learned that after those tiny plants grow, they were going to be planted in that area. They planted around 700 tiny native plants of all kinds. After that they proceeded to another part of the marsh to start weeding. They collected a lot of bags full of non-native plants, which were going to be given to the Rangers of the park. Sometimes the weeds are made into fertilizer for plants. This was the second time that PTK participated in one of these events with save the bay. On June 28th 2008, Denise and Rene participated in the event for the first time. However, the first time they participated they did not get to go to the nursery. They only helped get rid of non-native plants and collected 45 bags full of non-native and invasive species. The clean up helps protect native species, and keeps wetlands restored. We were not only able to help in our community but also in creating a better environment for all by participating in this event.