This event took place on Thursday, September 25, 2008. We brought in Ms. Sharyn Kennedy Amoroso who is well known throughout the San Francisco Bay Area as a leading consultant in etiquette and social protocol. Since 1993 she has presented a series of programs tailored for children, teenagers, college students, and business professionals. It was an event to help students succeed in their social and business lives. The event gave students an idea of behavior is and isn't acceptable along with what language is appropriate in different environments. In order to get as many participants as we could, we advertised with flyers through e-mail, around the campus, and with the help of other clubs on campus, like MESA. We also had the help of our student government, ASCC, to make the event possible. The library also assisted us by making a display of etiquette and gave us a list of books available in our library that can help students learn even more about etiquette. After the event, we asked participants to fill out a survey to gain feedback on how the event went for the students personally and to see if it was as helpful as we hoped it would be. The project was done to hopefully help students have a better understanding of what etiquette means and help them succeed in different environments.