Beta Zeta Nu chapter left on Friday, October 11th with Ryan, Kayla, Yvette, Jeremy, and an Advisor, Paul Roscelli for Las Vegas. They were going to attend the regional leadership conference. Regional staff members such as Christopher Hagermann, Crist Antolin, Shane Mason, Helen Hagler, & Elizabeth Lewandowski were all in attendance. The new Regional Coordinator, Charlie Klein and his predecessor, Judy Ryan, who recently announced retirement. During the conference chapters went up to a podium to announce their respective projects to their fellow regional chapters. It was during this time that Ryan was able to talk about our work with Kiva. The conference was a lot of fun for everyone. For Jeremy, Kayla, & Ryan it was both new and old in terms of the novelty of the conference and type events going on. For Yvette, it was an entirely new experience since she’d never been to a PTK conference before. Everyone was really relaxed the whole time. The members that attend to utilize their knowledge and experiences gained at the Regional Leadership Conference in order to better arm themselves with knowledge. This will hopefully fulfill our chapter's roles as Phi Theta Kappa’s aspiring leaders of tomorrow.