On February 25, 2009, Edgar De Loa, Ame, Aldo Garcia, Violeta Crow, Jeremy Morales, and Rene Rivera gave a third presentation at Garfield Middle School with Youth Adelante. We had the children do an electronic project lab where they had to make a circuit board with different kinds of sounds. The sounds were highway patrol sound or ambulance sound. The sounds could be made by connecting the right cables on the circuit board. The main purpose of this hands on activity was to promote engineering and the sciences while exposing these kids to it. Before the activity started, Edgar talked to the kids about what engineering is and Aldo explained to the kids the procedures of the activity. There were 5 tables and each of our volunteers were at a table with a group of kids. We were there to help the kids with any questions they may have while doing the activity. It was interesting to see the kid’s curiosity when trying to connect the right cables on the circuit board. At first the kids were confused but as they kept asking questions and get organized with a little guidance, they were able to complete the electronic project lab.
This project, allowed us be role models for kids that are endangered of bad environments or neighborhoods with gangs and drugs. By doing this presentation, PTK was able to promote Engineering and the sciences to the kids at Garfield. We may have made a difference in the life of these children by what we are doing. We were able to see that we may not be able to change the world, but we understand that if we can make a change in these kids lives, that’s a plus for us and our community.