PTK Regional notes – General Session I
• State of the region – everything is fine! Financially healthy, chapters are growing, Heald college now has a chapter, Hayward, Stockton, more chapters. But we’re coming close to the limits of our capacity. 87 chapters now in CA
• Involvement is growing too, lots of awards have been given (Shirley B Gordon award has gone to Tom Moore @ Canada College) also new faces at events, like today.
PTK Regional Notes – General Session II
• Awards for Bridge to Peace Project in Sri Lanka, regional projects recognition
• Palamar College, Skyline, Butte to name a few. Accomplishments - $5500 was raised for the village to build a water pipeline, and to establish a teaching program.
• A few PTK members (some from Skyline) traveled to Sri Lanka to teach children there.
PTK Regional Notes – General Session III --Saturday
• International conference is in Grapevine, Texas April 16-18 2009, get 4 people to a room if you’re in the same region. Robert Kennedy Jr will speak. Bring seeds to beautify the area—there is a list on the website of seeds that are acceptable.
• Scholarships -
• Economic downturn – still need recruits, rewards chapters for membership increases. 1 int’l member scholarship for every 5% increase all the way up to 25%
• CA/NV region is now the largest region w/ 87 chapters, but only 31 5 star chapters participating, not high.
• Always report new advisors, new contacts and contact info, new officers
• Better World Books—power point presentation available if we contact them.
• 11.4 mill lbs of books saved from landfill, CA/NV was 4th in the nation for this drive.
• Scanners for BWB – use it and $ back per book goes up to $1/book rather than $.50/bk, and every book over a 1000 is $1.25/book
• Contact BWB to get a free scanner –Roselle
• You get $ for your chapter by sending books, scanner will tell you if book is acceptable or not and all unacceptable books you can have a book sale on campus and sell at $1/bk.
• Regional Honors Institute – July 24th – 26th at University of Redlands in Redlands,CA