
This is the blog of Beta Zeta Nu. We are a chapter of Phi Theta Kappa from CaƱada College, in Redwood City, California. Phi Theta Kappa is the International Honor Society of two year colleges.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

PTK and the Canada College Honors Program - 2009

The Chapter continued their leadership and scholarship role in their contribution to, and expansion of, the educational opportunities for Canada Students. Capitalizing on research that showed an interest in an honors program, several PTK officers and members served the entire year on the honors program steering committee. The students were given the responsibility to help create, implement and review the success of: the mission of the program; criteria for entrance into the program; student learning outcomes for the program; criteria for graduation with honors; a reflection tool upon exit of the class; course offerings. The students also recognized an opportunity to market the new program beyond our college when our sister institution, The College Of San Mateo, due to budget cuts eliminated their honors program.

In addition, the students used the Phi Theta Kappa Leadership Series reader and with their professor constructed a new honors leadership course in Spring of 2010 for all college students. The students, after researching and discussing the many aspects of leadership helped to create syllabus from the interdisciplinary readings in the Phi Theta Kappa reader. Finally, the class will be taught, in part, by campus leaders and is being called: Real Leadership: Real Leaders. The first of its kind ever offered at the college.