
This is the blog of Beta Zeta Nu. We are a chapter of Phi Theta Kappa from CaƱada College, in Redwood City, California. Phi Theta Kappa is the International Honor Society of two year colleges.

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Second Harvest Food Bank

On December 5th and 19th, Beta Zeta Nu and Beta Xi Eta (College of San Mateo) teamed up to help out Second Harvest, a local food bank dedicated to feeding the hungry with nutritious and wholesome foods, in the spirit of Chapters United. Eighteen members from both chapters sorted food from 9am until noon to be distributed to families struggling with low-wage jobs, growing housing costs and homelessness with dozens of volunteers from local high schools and the community.

Our tasks included largely of sorting individually donated food-like from the Healthy Food Drive Beta Zeta Nu did over the holidays. That food was arranged into boxes for people who needed it to take home. The other job we did was making little 3 lb. bags of fresh produce. One group on December 5th sorted pallet boxes of carrots in this manner. The group on December 19th did the same thing for eight pallet boxes of oranges.

Second Harvest’s efforts help feed low-income seniors as well as low-income volunteers who are helping others while helping themselves. Volunteer support is essential for Second Harvest to maintain efficient and cost effective services. Because of Phi Theta Kappa’s efforts and that of other volunteers, over 205,000 people a month are able to receive food. The food is distributed through our partnering agencies, their satellites, and through Second Harvest Food Bank’s directs service programs.

Second Harvest deeply thanks Phi Theta Kappa for the time we took to help them achieve their vision, "Providing food for people in need in our community," which has made a difference for many this holiday season.

We have now formed a partnership with Second Harvest and plan on doing one food-sorting session with them once a month.